Recent 20 Quiz Takers
Quiz Name: The Return of the King Chapter 19
NameQues AttempedQues CorrectScoreTime
dfddf109902010-11-26 23:33:0
Jeff108802005-4-28 17:37:56
Jeff103302005-4-28 17:36:59
caeyknott107702004-2-13 12:25:45
andrew12758.332004-1-29 13:7:16
Nathan Cole12866.672003-12-4 9:12:1
Shawn Caza109902003-9-10 23:38:20
Blade101102003-8-19 17:5:35
glen coe109902003-8-8 11:18:12
Steven Lowe109902003-8-4 5:18:32
Thomas106602003-7-29 10:42:35
UglyJim107702003-7-8 8:46:42
eric109902003-7-4 18:53:30
Atrick-Pay12758.332003-7-2 19:14:43
xcgffhfh12433.332003-7-1 21:40:44
Dylan108802003-7-1 20:34:23
jd (try 2 with extras)121191.672003-7-1 20:2:20
Felix121191.672003-7-1 17:40:23
michaelagain12121002003-7-1 13:7:27
Carl121191.672003-7-1 12:5:14
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