set datafile separator "," set title "Manifold Pressure" set ylabel "inHg" #set y2label "Pressure Pa" #set y2range [40000:102000] #set y2tics border set xlabel "RPM" #plot [1200:2700] "aaa.csv" using 10:3 notitle with lines 1 \ # , "aaa.csv" using 10:5 axes x1y2 notitle with lines #plot "aaa.csv" using 1:3 title "HP" with lines 1,\ # "aaa.csv" using 1:11 title "RPM" with lines 2 plot "aaa-0.csv" every :10:110 using 11:5 notitle with lines 2, \ "aaa-25.csv" every :10:110 using 11:5 notitle with lines 3, \ "aaa-50.csv" every :10:110 using 11:5 notitle with lines 4, \ "aaa-75.csv" every :10:110 using 11:5 notitle with lines 5, \ "aaa-100.csv" every :10:110 using 11:5 notitle with lines 1 pause mouse key if (MOUSE_KEY != 27) reread