* * Navion, from Datcom Plotting Report 19830012662_1983012662.pdf * * Values added by Bill Galbraith, December 2007 * Some corrections by Ron Jensen, May 2009 ********************** * Flight Conditions * ********************** * WT Vehicle Weight * LOOP Program Looping Control * 1 = vary altitude and mach together, default) * 2 = vary Mach, at fixed altitude * 3 = vary altitude, at fixed Mach * NMACH Number of Mach numbers or velocities to be run, max of 20 * Note: This parameter, along with NALT, may affect the * proper setting of the LOOP control parameter. * MACH Array(20) Values of freestream Mach number * VINF Array(20) Values of freestream speed (unit: l/t) * NALPHA Number of angles of attack to be run, max of 20 * ALSCHD Array(20) Values of angles of attack, in ascending order * RNNUB Array(20) Reynolds number per unit length * Freestream Reynolds numbers. Each array element must * correspond to the respective Mach number/freestream * speed input, use LOOP=1.0 * NALT Number of atmospheric conditions to be run, max of 20 * input as either altitude or pressure and temperature * Note: This parameter, along with NMACH, may affect the * proper setting of the LOOP control parameter. * ALT Array(20) Values of geometric altitude * Number of altitude and values. Note, Atmospheric conditions * are input either as altitude or pressure and temperature. (MAX 20) * PINF Array(20) Values of freestream Static Pressure * TINF Array(20) Values of freestream Temperature * HYPERS =.true. Hypersonic analysis at all Mach numbers > 1.4 * STMACH Upper limit of Mach numbers for subsonic analysis * (0.6 3) $WGPLNF CHRDTP=3.73,SSPNE=14.43,SSPN=16.70,CHRDR=7.29,SAVSI=1.0, CHSTAT=0.25,TWISTA=0.0,DHDADI=8.5,DHDADO=0.0,TYPE=1.0$ ****************************************** * Vertical Tail planform variables pg 37-38 ****************************************** * CHRDTP Tip chord * SSPNOP Semi-span outboard panel * SSPNE Semi-span exposed panel * SSPN Semi-span theoretical panel from theoretical root chord * CHRDBP Chord at breakpoint * CHRDR Chord root * SAVSI Inboard panel sweep angle * SAVSO Outboard panel sweep angle * CHSTAT Reference chord station for inboard and outboard panel * sweep angles, fraction of chord * TYPE 1.0 - Straight tapered planform * 2.0 - Double delta planform (aspect ratio <= 3) * 3.0 - Cranked planform (aspect ratio > 3) * SVWB Portion of exposed vertical panel area that lies between * Mach lines emanating from leading and trailing edges of * wing exposed root chord (array 20) * Only required for supersonic and hypersonic speed regimes. * SVB Area of exposed vertical panel not influenced by wing or * horizontal tail (array 20) * Only required for supersonic and hypersonic speed regimes. * SVHB Portion of exposed vertical panel area that lies between Mach * lines emanating from leading and and trailing edges of * horizontal tail exposed root chord (array 20) * Only required for supersonic and hypersonic speed regimes. $VTPLNF CHRDTP=1.88,SSPNE=4.39,SSPN=5.02,CHRDR=4.47,SAVSI=13.5, CHSTAT=.25,TYPE=1.0$ ********************************************* * Horizontal Tail planform variables pg 37-38 ********************************************* * CHRDTP Tip chord * SSPNOP Semi-span outboard panel. Not required for straight * tapered planform. * SSPNE Semi-span exposed panel * SSPN Semi-span theoretical panel from theoretical root chord * CHRDBP Chord at breakpoint * CHRDR Chord root * SAVSI Inboard panel sweep angle * CHSTAT Reference chord station for inboard and outboard panel * sweep angles, fraction of chord * TWISTA Twist angle, negative leading edge rotated down (from * exposed root to tip) * SSPNDD Semi-span of outboard panel with dihedral * DHDADI Dihedral angle of inboard panel * DHDADO Dihedral angle of outboard panel. If DHDADI=DHDADO only * input DHDADI * TYPE 1.0 - Straight tapered planform * 2.0 - Double delta planform (aspect ratio <= 3) * 3.0 - Cranked planform (aspect ratio > 3) * SHB Portion of fuselage side area that lies between Mach lines * originating from leading and trailing edges of horizontal * tail exposed root chord (array 20). * Only required for supersonic and hypersonic speed regimes. * SEXT Portion of extended fueslage side area that lies between * Mach lines originating from leading and trailing edges of * horizontal tail exposed root chord (array 20) * Only required for supersonic and hypersonic speed regimes. * RLPH Longitudinal distance between CG and centroid of Sh(B) * positive aft of CG * Only required for supersonic and hypersonic speed regimes. $HTPLNF CHRDTP=2.51,SSPNE=6.19,SSPN=6.59,CHRDR=5.02,SAVSI=6.0, CHSTAT=0.25,TWISTA=0.0,DHDADI=0.0,DHDADO=0.0,TYPE=1.0$ *********************************** * Elevator Deflection parameters *********************************** * FTYPE Flap type * 1.0 Plain flaps * 2.0 Single slotted flaps * 3.0 Fowler flaps * 4.0 Double slotted flaps * 5.0 Split flaps * 6.0 Leading edge flap * 7.0 Leading edge slats * 8.0 Krueger * NDELTA Number of flap or slat deflection angles, max of 9 * DELTA Flap deflection angles measured streamwise * (NDELTA values in array) * PHETE Tangent of airfoil trailine edge angle based on ordinates at * 90 and 99 percent chord * PHETEP Tangent of airfoil trailing edge angle based on ordinates at * 95 and 99 percent chord * CHRDFI Flap chord at inboard end of flap, measured parallel to * longitudinal axis * CHRDFO Flap chord at outboard end of flap, measured parallel to * longitudinal axis * SPANFI Span location of inboard end of flap, measured perpendicular * to vertical plane of symmetry * SPANFO Span location of outboard end of flap, measured perpendicular * to vertical plane of symmetry * CPRMEI Total wing chord at inboard end of flap (translating devices * only) measured parallel to longitudinal axis * (NDELTA values in array) * Single-slotted, Fowler, Double-slotted, leading-edge * slats, Krueger flap, jet flap * CPRMEO Total wing chord at outboard end of flap (translating devices * only) measured parallel to longitudinal axis * (NDELTA values in array) * Single-slotted, Fowler, Double-slotted, leading-edge * slats, Krueger flap, jet flap * CAPINS (double-slotted flaps only) (NDELTA values in array) * CAPOUT (double-slotted flaps only) (NDELTA values in array) * DOSDEF (double-slotted flaps only) (NDELTA values in array) * DOBCIN (double-slotted flaps only) * DOBCOT (double-slotted flaps only) * SCLD Increment in section lift coefficient due to * deflecting flap to angle DELTA[i] (optional) * (NDELTA values in array) * SCMD Increment in section pitching moment coefficient due to * deflecting flap to angle DELTA[i] (optional) * (NDELTA values in array) * CB Average chord of the balance (plain flaps only) * TC Average thickness of the control at hinge line * (plain flaps only) * NTYPE Type of nose * 1.0 Round nose flap * 2.0 Elliptic nose flap * 3.0 Sharp nose flap * JETFLP Type of flap * 1.0 Pure jet flap * 2.0 IBF * 3.0 EBF * CMU Two-dimensional jet efflux coefficient * DELJET Jet deflection angle * (NDELTA values in array) * EFFJET EBF Effective jet deflection angle * (NDELTA values in array) $SYMFLP FTYPE=1.0, NDELTA=9.0,DELTA(1)=-40.,-30.,-20.,-10.,0.,10.,20.,30.,40., SPANFI=.400,SPANFO=6.586,CHRDFI=1.882,CHRDFO=.706,NTYPE=1.0, CB=.357,TC=.220,PHETE=.003,PHETEP=.002$ TRIM DAMP PART DERIV RAD CASEID NAVlON WITH ELEVATORS AND NO FLAPS OR AILERON DEFLECTIONS